Après Massembre, les impressions...
Par Dominique Paimparet • Publié le 25/04/2012

  Quelques jours après leur retour de Massembre, des élèves de 3ème et 4ème nous ont livré leurs impressions...en Anglais bien sûr :

‘’I liked the adventure and the activity with the water trail. It was funny!”.                   YANN

“I loved the moment when we were searching clues in the sand to find the treasure.  I loved the  water train”.      ANTOINE


“We put blue painting on our hairs and I liked to sing the adventurer’s song”.  TOM

“We made the water trail. It was funny! After we spent some moments in our bedroom and sang the adventurer’s song”.     JANEL


“I liked the water trail, I ate maggots and I went in the forest to build a little house”.   MARIE


“My favourite moment was when we made the water trail. Mrs Blavier and Mr Simon fell in the water. It was funny!”                  ELOUAN